
Microsoft has made XP an ex-Operating System.  As of 8th April they won’t be fixing any problems so your operating system is wide open.  What does that mean to you? If you’re still using XP you won’t get any more updates to fix security issues.  That means that if...

Have you been breaking the law?

If you’ve ever bought a CD and then transferred it to iTunes so you can listen to it on your MP3 player or SmartPhone, the answer is ‘yes’. It may seem ridiculous that you’ve paid good money for music or an CD of an electronic book, only to find that you can only...

A new way to communicate

Now we’re all using mobile devices as extensions of our thought processes, it’s hard to imagine the days when only big businesses had computers.  The jump from business computing to home computing, and from dial up to broadband has been an incredibly fast process....