How expensive will your office move be – really?

It doesn’t matter whether you have a big company or a small one, moving offices has costs – as we know having undergone an office move earlier this year. Most people think about the obvious costs like removal services, downtime as the business is ‘in transit’ and the...

Creative Telecoms!

Most people are familiar with fixed line telephones and mobile phones – but as soon as it gets more complicated, the eyes glaze over and, unless you’re an avid techie, the brain tunes out! However, with today’s business environment a flexible telephone system may be...

Bouncing email from a mobile

In today’s world people are no longer sitting in front of a computer when they send you an email – and that can influence whether or not the email arrives successfully. Recently we had a support query from one of our clients who discovered that an agent...

Is your website mobile friendly?

If you’ve got a website, do you know what it looks like on a smart phone?  If you haven’t got it set up to present on a mobile phone then people who use their phones to visit your website may get very frustrated scrolling to and fro to read the screen. Websites that...