What do those IT people do?

Written by Adam


NetworkIf you’ve got an IT support service that you pay a monthly fee for – and you never call them out you may wonder what you’re paying for.  Just to set your mind at rest a good IT support team will carry out proactive maintenance to ensure that you don’t have to call them out.  After all, you don’t actually want to have problems with your IT!

This is our checklist of some of the things we do regularly – just so you don’t think we’re sitting in our office playing computer games and eating fast food!

  • Windows updates – so you’re using the very latest secure tools available
  • Antivirus updates – so nothing nasty slips through the net
  • Hardware Status – making sure that everything is performing perfectly
  • Backups have run – to eliminate disasters when a critical document corrupts and needs replacing
  • Backup integrity – to check that back-ups can be retrieved properly
  • Check broadband speeds are optimum – making sure your work isn’t delayed by slow connections
  • Monitor broadband stability – checking that your bandwidth is reliable and doesn’t kick you out at critical moments (like in the middle of a client Skype discussion or webinar)
  • Monitor email quotas – so people never get that ’email cannot be delivered’ message
  • Domain name renewal – so you keep your website live and legal

… and, of course, anything else our clients need, depending on their particular set up.

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